
Getting Started

Learn how to install Delta packages for Go, run migrations to get Delta’s database schema in place, and create an initial controller and client to start managing resources.


Delta requires an existing PostgreSQL database, and is most commonly used with pgx.


To install Delta, run the following in the directory of a Go project (where a go.mod file is present):

go get

We rely on Goose to run database migrations:

go install

Finally, install the River CLI tool:

go install

Running Migrations

Run a Postgres database locally with Docker:

docker run --name delta-db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_USER=delta -e POSTGRES_DB=delta -p 5431:5432 -d postgres:16

Connect to the database and create the Delta schema:

$ pgcli "postgres://delta:password@localhost:5431/delta"

Delta persists resource state to a Postgres database, and needs a small set of tables created to manage resources and orchestrate controllers. It relies on goose to run migrations.

export GOOSE_DRIVER=postgres
export GOOSE_DBSTRING=postgres://delta:password@localhost:5431/delta?search_path=delta
export GOOSE_MIGRATION_DIR=./internal/db/migrations
goose up
goose status

Note that multiple Delta clients can share the same database and schema even if those clients are configured to manage different resources with different controllers.

Next, we need to initialize the River schemas in the same Delta database & schema.

river migrate-up --database-url $GOOSE_DBSTRING

Resource Objects and Controllers

Each kind of managed resource in Delta requires two types: an Object struct and a Controller[Object] struct. The Object struct has two purposes:

  1. It defines the structured object for your controller. These arguments are serialized to JSON before the resource is stored in the database.
  2. It defines two methods: a Kind() and ID() string methods that will be used to uniquely identify the resource in the database.

Here’s an example of a User struct that implements the Object interface:

type User struct {
    Email string
    Name  string
    UpdatedAt int64

func (u *User) ID() string {
    // The Email uniquely identifies the user on the external system.
    return e.Email

func (u *User) Kind() string {
    return "user"

The Controller[Object] struct is a worker that will be used to process the Object struct as well as an informer that will be used to inform Delta of external Object resources.

Here is an example of a simple controller for managing a User resource:

type UserController struct {
    // An embedded WorkerDefaults sets up default methods to fulfill the rest of
    // the Worker interface:
    // An embedded StreamDefaults sets up default methods to fulfill the rest of
    // the Stream interface:

// Work does the heavy lifting of processing a resource.
func (c *UserController) Work(ctx context.Context, resource *delta.Resource[User]) error {
    fmt.Printf("Worked user: %+v\n", resource.Object.Email)
    return nil

// Inform pushes resources into a channel for processing.
func (c *UserController) Inform(ctx context.Context, opts *delta.InformOptions) (<-chan User, error) {
    userChan := make(chan User)
    resp, _ := http.DefaultClient.Get("", nil)
    defer resp.Body.Close()

    var users []User
    if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&users); err != nil {
        return err

    go func() {
        defer close(userChan)
        for _, user := range users {
            if !c.Match(&user) {
            select {
            case <-ctx.Done():
                return ctx.Err()
            case userChan <- user:

    return userChan, nil

Creating a Client

To create a Delta client, you need to create a delta.Client struct and pass in a delta.Config struct.

// Configure Controllers
controllers := delta.NewControllers()
delta.AddController(controllers, &UserController{})

// Create a Delta Client
deltaClient, err := delta.NewClient(dbPool, &delta.Config{
    Namespaces: map[string]delta.NamespaceConfig{
        delta.NamespaceDefault: {MaxWorkers: 10},
    Controllers: controllers,
if err != nil {

Running the Client

quit := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(quit, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)

// Run the client inline. All executed processes will inherit from ctx:
if err := deltaClient.Start(ctx); err != nil {

<-quit // Wait for a signal to stop the client

if err := deltaClient.Stop(ctx); err != nil {